SDCC Members Track Afternoon 18/7/20
It’s great to be back – Club Members Track Afternoon
After a long break from Club activities due to COVID -19 restrictions SDCC ran a Club Members afternoon on 18th July. As the Club planned this event there was a question about how much interest there would be in participating. However almost as soon as the date was announced it was fully booked.
Parking in the paddock was spaced out to support social distancing and the event was run from the paddock gate. New systems have also been put in place including one way queuing at the catering and hand sanitisers placed strategically around the site. However folks were still able to spend plenty of time catching up with familiar faces between goes on the track.
One of our members took these photographs to capture the enthusiasm of club members be back. It’s been a long break so no surprise that once out on track there were one or two drivers that misjudged turnings but overall the event ran smoothly with no need for the rescue vehicle to have an outing. Of course no Club afternoon would be complete without David Pattinson undertaking a quick clean-up expedition in the van when there was an oil spill. This was also captured on camera.
Feedback the Club has received after the event was extremely positive and the fact that folks had a good day is thanks to both organisers and participants being willing to ensure the day was a success.
The positive response to the event spurred the Club on to organise several more of these members track afternoons during the remainder of the year. See the web page or newsletter for dates and contact details to book a place for the next event.
Many Thanks to Paul Cheshire for the photographs.