SDCC Members Update June 6th 2020

Message for Shenstone & District Car Club Members

I am pleased to be able to contact SDCC members to let you know that we are starting to resume activities at Curborough. I have detailed below the club activities that we are planning to go ahead with in the immediate future. Please note that due to the current government and MSUK requirements (which are subject to change with no notice) we are commencing in July with events involving small numbers of people then leading up to the first Members Track Afternoon on 18/07/20. However these will still be limited in numbers being allowed to attend and subject to online pre-booking (see below).

While we are working to get club activities back on track we are very aware that our members have not been able to enjoy the benefits of SDCC membership as they would have in years past. The extent of permitted public participation (as a spectator or driver) at motorsport events for the remainder of the year is unclear. SDCC has been very fortunate to enjoy a loyal membership that supports the club and its events and as we begin to restart club activities we also feel that we should recognise that loyalty. We will publish more information later in the year on our plans for membership renewals for 2021 and thank you once again for your continued support and patience.

The club events below are the start of our 2020 season. Further dates will be added as we adjust to new ways of working and restrictions change. I hope that you will understand that we want to be able to run events that allow us to enjoy motorsport but we need to ensure we do not put health at risk and that we comply with any COVID-19 restrictions in place at the time. The club’s Management Committee is working hard at providing a safe environment at Curborough and will continue to react to whatever is required and when. Members co-operation in this context is gratefully appreciated.

John Williams    Chairman & Comp. Sec.

Members Track Afternoons. 18th July and 1st August

The first 2 Members Track Afternoons at Curborough in 2020 will be Saturday 18th of July and Saturday 1st of August. (Note that the 1st of August event replaces the members track afternoon originally planned for 8th of August).

To comply with current social distancing rules places at these events are limited and will need to be pre-booked by e-mail sent to Howard Cottrell Confirmation of your place, a signing on form, drivers briefing and details for the bank transfer will be provided by e-mail. Driver details, details of the vehicle to be used and confirmation by the driver of agreement to follow the briefing notes also need to be e-mailed 48 hours in advance of the event. Due to the way our insurers provide cover for the club, the club makes a charge for these track afternoons of £5 per driver per track afternoon. Payment must be made at least 48 hours before the event.

Access to Curborough site will be limited and only drivers or club officials involved in the running of the event will be allowed on site. At this time COVID-19 restrictions applied to motorsport events mean that spectators cannot be allowed on site. 

On the day the gates to the site will be opened for participants from 12 noon. Noise testing will take place from 12.30pm. Track opens 1pm. All pre-booked participants  must arrive on site before 2pm. Gate control will be strictly operated to ensure that only pre-booked participants and officials are allowed onsite.

Toilets and handwashing facilities will be available but it is recommended that all attendees bring hand sanitiser gel with them. There will be no catering facilities available on site for the event so it may be advisable to bring refreshments for yourself particularly if the weather is warm.

To ensure an enjoyable and successful event it is important that all drivers must understand the need to drive safely, both on and off the track. Anyone considered to be driving dangerously will be warned - if they continue to do so on the same day they will be going home for an early bath! The emphasis at Member Track Afternoons is on driver skill rather than speed, so there is use of cones to slow down the cars whilst on track.

  1. Club Afternoons are restricted to paid up SDCC members only and subject to the payment of £5 per driver per track afternoon.
  2. All cars must be road legal (taxed, insured, MOT’d on road legal tyres). Please note drivers may be asked to demonstrate proof of road legal status (insurance documentation, DVLA proof of MOT and road tax and tyres bearing an E mark)
  3. Any car that tests at over the noise limit, currently set at 105dB will not be allowed on the track.
  4. No passengers will be permitted for the July event. (for other events this may be subject to change.)
  5. Under 18s need a parent or guardian to counter-sign their forms and also show proof of a full UK driving licence.
  6. Please respect any instructions given by SDCC officials on the day.
  7. Shared drives will only be permitted by members of the same household on the 1st August event and this is subject to change.
  8. Please respect social distancing while on site
  9. To conform with social distancing rules these events will be run from the paddock not from the commentary box.

MSUK Permit Sprint Meetings.

Competition members will be aware of the cancellation of some MSUK Permit Sprint meetings at Curborough (and around the country including hillclimbs) and also the cancellation of most (if not all) sprint championships for 2020. The club is currently establishing the intentions of remaining MSUK Sprints in the Curborough calendar. As you will appreciate all clubs are reviewing the new MSUK requirements and processes for running these events which is involving a considerable amount of work and potential additional cost.

SDCC is considering its own position with regard to Permit Sprints which will at the least determine a change to the format of our scheduled 6th September 2020 event. Relevant information will be posted on the web site when applicable.

Competition Members test days Wednesday 1st of July and Wednesday 8th July.

Places are limited so to book a place for this please contact Jeremy Bouckley on 0121 3131609 or 07807 418736

Competition test days for Non-members Thursday 9th July .

Places are limited so to book a place for this please contact Ray Rowan on 07939 653363

For persons attending any events at Curborough the following is applicable

In accordance with government guidelines all personnel in attendance must answer the following questions.

  • Have you returned from, or had close contact with anybody who has travelled from overseas within the last 14 days?


  • Have you had close contact with or cared for someone diagnosed with COVID - 19 within the last 14 days?


  • Have you experienced any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days .  A new continuous cough or high temperature or a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)


If the answer to any of the above questions is “Yes” then those personnel are not allowed onsite at Curborough.


"Please note that all requirements regarding COVID- 19 are subject to change at a moment’s notice to conform to government rules and guidelines in force at any time."